4 Ways To Keep Your Storage Unit Organized This Spring

Make some time to go through your storage unit this spring. It is a good idea to clean and organize your storage unit this spring as you clean and organize the rest of your home and belongings.

Clean Up the Dust

Even the most well-sealed storage unit can accumulate dust over time. You are going to want to clean up this dust. When you head to your storage unit, you may want to bring a mask with you, as well as some rags and dusting tools. Dust off all of the boxes and items in your storage unit. Dusting everything at least once a year will help keep your items clean, and ensure that when you do pull your items out of your storage unit, they are not covered with an inch of dust.

Clean the Floor

The floor of your storage unit can get dirty over time as well. Bring a broom and a mop so that you can both sweep and mop the floor of your storage unit. If you plan on pulling items out of your storage unit, you can clean under those items as well.

Pull Out Furniture

If you have furniture in your storage unit, you are going to want to let it breathe. This will prevent your furniture from getting all musky smelling over time. Pull out your furniture, and remove and clean the covers on your furniture. Getting some fresh air can go a long way to ensuring that your furniture smells good when you pull it out of your storage unit down the road.

Go Through Some Boxes

You don't have to go through your entire storage unit all at once, but pick a section of your storage unit to go through. Open up the boxes and see if there are any items that you want to pull out and use. Also, see if there are any items that, upon reflection, you don't need anymore. Donate, sell, or throw away these items. Going through the boxes in your storage unit from time to time is a great way to keep track of everything and ensure that your storage unit doesn't become filled with items you don't really need.

Spend an afternoon going through your storage unit this spring. Dust all your boxes, clean the floor, air out your furniture, and go through some of the boxes. This will help you keep your storage unit in good shape and ensure that is a functional and usable space for you. For more advice, contact a company like Eastside Self Storage and RV Park.
